We’re living in a world that expects instant connection due to mobile technology. Think about it. Smartphones and tablets offer the opportunity to connect to whatever we want from almost any location. This has transformed how we live, how we communicate, and how we shop. In short, instant expectations have changed our entire lifestyle.
Here are just a few ways on why mobile technology is changing marketing:

- According to movableink.com, 66% of emails are now opened on a mobile device. This stat is from 2014, so it’s probably higher now.
- Dialogtech.com says that calls from mobile marketing sources are up 34%. In addition, mobile search drives at least 81 percent of the call volume.
- A survey by pewresearch.org showed that it’s difficult to separate Americans from their phone. 71 percent sleep with their cell phone, either on the bed or on the nightstand. Where is yours?
- Mobile technology has driven up ad spending in Facebook, Twitter and Google.
- Mobileinsurance.com says that the average person spends 90 minutes a day on their phone. That adds up to 23 days a year. Browsing Internet is the top activity. A Nielsen study showed Americans spent 11 hours a day on electronic media (TV, radio, gaming, Internet, mobile phone, DVDs, etc.). Mobile is definitely a driver in today’s world.
All this time using mobile technology means that people want an instant response. When they land on your website, they want to talk to someone right away. So, they call. If potential patients are on Facebook and message you, they want a fast response.
The “I want an answer now” mobile technology mindset carries over to daily life. Are you prepared to answer questions? Do your staff, freelancers and/or agency have the answers to provide quick responses to patient questions?
PUMC has extensive experience in the mobile technology medical environment & medical mobile website design. Contact us if you need to assess your current system or want to brainstorm other opportunities. We live in a mobile world. Much of your success rate is tied to your response rate. So, get on board…FAST.