Today’s mobile devices vs. laptops offer access to most information from almost anywhere. Directions, shopping, online searches, calls, etc. are all available at our fingertips. Mobile devices are making great strides in writing online reviews. In fact, Wall Street Journal says reviews by mobile are more powerful. So, let’s take a look.
Using Mobile Devices vs. Laptops to Write Online Reviews
Reviews are so easy to write when the experience is fresh. Leave the doctor’s office, pull your phone from your pocket and find your review site of choice. Then, click a star and write a line or two. Done! But, typing on a smart phone isn’t for everyone. So, don’t change your process for soliciting reviews. Patients need choices.
Advantages of Mobile
- Immediate access to review sites
- Experience is fresh on patient’s mind
- Younger people prefer mobile devices
Disadvantages of Mobile
- Details are often omitted
- Reading other information can create an unfair comparison
- Process time is sometimes needed
When Laptops Rule
For many people, laptops are still the preferred device. This is especially true for many older patients who like larger print. Plus, many people prefer a keyboard because all “thumbs” cause mistakes when you don’t do it often.
PUMC recommends that review requests work well for both mobile devices vs. laptops/desktops. This gives everyone equal opportunity to choose his/her preference. Keep in mind that everyone searches the Internet differently. So, it’s important to display your reviews on every page of your website.
Your website is accessible from social media. Different website pages appear in search results. Your Google Knowledge Graph and Google Maps has a link. Thus, it makes sense to ensure that every page has a way to access your online reviews. You can manually add each review and a link, but it makes more sense to choose a service that does this automatically.
If you need help or have questions about today’s shift to mobile devices vs. laptops, contact PUMC. We’re here to help you.